É seguro fazer terapia hormonal? Será que terapia hormonal causa câncer? Que tipos de hormônios são mais seguros?
Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre Terapia Hormonal para menopausa.
Falarei das diversas formas de hormônios disponíveis, diferenças sobre bioidênticos e sintéticos e o que escolher, falarei sobre intolerância à progesterona e o que fazer se essa for você.
Falarei sobre a relação entre queda de cabelo, menopausa e testosterona.
Women have a 1-in-8 (12%) risk of getting breast cancer:
Breast Cancer Facts and Statistics 2024
Lifetime Risk of Developing or Dying From Cancer
A study from WHI saying that HRT has absolutely no benefit on quality of life:
NY Times article reporting that there was no benefit to quality of life with HRT: Hormone Therapy, Already Found to Have Risks, Is Now Said to Lack Benefits
Jacques Rossouw’s 1996 paper basically saying it’s time to bring the HRT bandwagon to a halt: Estrogens for prevention of coronary heart disease. Putting the brakes on the bandwagon
2015 JAMA paper responsible for the common belief that HRT causes a 25% increase in breast cancer: Breast Cancer After Use of Estrogen Plus Progestin and Estrogen Alone, Analyses of Data From 2 Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Clinical Trials
As early as 1944, there were researchers publishing a 25% response rate among patients with measurable breast cancer who were treated with estrogen: Influence of Synthetic Oestrogens on Advanced Malignant Disease
A study that came out of India that found that giving an injection of progesterone around the time of surgery to remove primary breast cancer, significantly improved the prognosis, and decreased the risk of recurrence: Single-injection depot progesterone before surgery and survival in women with operable breast cancer: a randomized controlled trial.
2017 paper from JoAnn Manson that showed their original conclusions “went too far”: Menopausal Hormone Therapy and Long-term All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality, The Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Trials (Manson et al., 2017)
Paper showing HRT is beneficial for heart disease: Estrogen and coronary heart disease in women.
Studies show estrogen can decrease risk of fracture by up to 50%: Decreased risk of fractures of the hip and lower forearm with postmenopausal use of estrogen.
Estrogen protects against the growth of cancerous cells in the colon: Molecular Pathways: Estrogen Pathway in Colorectal Cancer
Avrum’s response to the 2003 claim that WHI is responsible for the decrease in breast cancer: A Decline in Breast-Cancer Incidence
A favorable review of Estrogen Matters in the London Times: Hormone therapy: why everything you thought you knew about HRT is wrong |